A new week begins… And without exaggerating I must say: This week hits hard and if it keeps going like this, then you will probably hear that also in the next weeks. Because for the final weeks of this year, the universe wants to really make it clear to us and sends us a blatant constellation after the other. While the beginning is about adjustments and preparation, by the weekend at the latest, we experience a big BOOM of extravagance. Venus and Pluto unite in Capricorn, initiating the first conjunction of three, which brings such changes and transformations to all our connections and relationships. It is necessary to reflect: What is still right, what is not? What are my values and do they still match with what and whom I love? It’s going to be hot, it’s going to be wild, it’s going to be nerve-wracking, it’s going to be pretty much everything but boring! So get into the next week and let’s go!
MONDAY, December 6th Mars Sextile Pluto Moon in Capricorn
Happy Moon Day! The Moon in Capricorn makes us start the new week structured and goal-oriented. And that’s exactly what we need after our weekend of the powerful Eclipse in Sagittarius. Because this has most likely thrown some of us off track. The Moon is now starting a new journey and so may we. So get to the planner, your tasks of the week, to-do lists & Co. Mars in sextile to Pluto helps us to detach from emotional vices in order to take care of the really important things. The sextile gives us a positive shift forward, and honestly, that’s exactly what we all need right now, right? So if you notice that it’s not yet that easy for you to get back into a daily routine, to follow your tasks in a focused and disciplined way, reflect on what is still emotionally preventing you from doing so. How do you feel right now? Why do you feel this way? Allow yourself to feel and perceive everything so that you can get to know yourself better and also work with yourself properly. December will once again be challenging for all of us. It is even more important to build a strong mindset and a healthy connection to your emotional inner world. So take some moments for yourself and your needs and then it’s time to tackle the wonderful tasks of the week, because every Monday is also like a small new beginning. What can your new week be like? How can it feel? What can happen? You decide!
TUESDAY, December 7th Moon enters Aquarius Mercury Square Neptune
Things are a lot lighter today, although you can’t help but feel the building pressure from the recent Saturn-Uranus square and the upcoming Venus-Pluto conjunction. You may also feel a certain restlessness within you and nerves are strained. This could continue for a while, however, this new week offers excellent opportunities to get back to yourself and bring some lightness back into our world of thoughts. Today is not the best day for clear decisions and thought processes, important conversations or presentations, but for intuitive and spiritual actions. Mercury in Sagittarius is square Neptune in Pisces and while Mercury thus seeks insight and expansion, Neptune simply wants BEING. Spiritual practices and grounding exercises can help you tremendously today to bring some stability to your mind after all. Because the fact is that this square often tempts you to drift into illusions or illusory worlds and you forget what is real and what is not. The Aquarius Moon helps you to keep a cool head. Maybe a conversation with your favorite person is exactly what you need now as a balance. Because usually everything is much easier and simpler in a couple and this also allows you to get new perspectives.
WEDNESDAY, December 8th Mars Square Jupiter
Mars in Scorpio, which was in a modifying sextile to Pluto at the beginning of the week, now sets up a square to Jupiter in Aquarius. Mars is pushing forward with Jupiter. What has long been postponed may now be tackled. No excuses and no complaining. Even though this constellation is often perceived as challenging as a tension square, it also wants to give us a push in the right direction. In what areas of your life do you need a little push right now? Where can you courageously step out of your comfort zone to pursue a meaningful activity? Take the first step and get the ball rolling. Then the second step will be a lot easier. Also remember that we are in the first quarter of the Moon’s cycle, which is all about building our visions. Even though we are still in an Eclipse, the energy of the shadow is already decreasing. If you did not deal with your visions during the Solar Eclipse on December 4th, they may now slowly take up more space again. I would not advise yet to get back into manifesting, but already slowly again into the occupation of your visions to come. What may still take place this year and come into your life? Tomorrow’s change of the Moon into Pisces may support you in the creation of your visions.
THURSDAY, December 9th Moon enters Pisces
The Moon moves into dreamy and loving Pisces, tempting us too to be hopeful and dreamy about our ideals and desires. Perfect for dealing with the goals of this year in the next few days and possibly also already slowly begin to dive into the feeling of the new year 2022. Collect already the first images for your vision board for 2022, ask yourself what the cornerstones for the coming year may be specifically for you and if you want to learn more about the coming year of Jupiter, feel free to sign up for my „The Year of Jupiter Class“ which will take place next Tuesday, December 14th at 7:00 pm via Zoom. I will explain the most important energies and themes of the upcoming Jupiter year and how we can work with them in the best possible way. Also, get prepared emotionally for a very intense and eventful weekend as the Venus-Pluto conjunction approaches. We also have a Half Moon around us and in general December is rather electrically charged energetically this year. The next few days, due to the Pisces Moon, we again feel a lot intensified, take things more personally and are a lot more sensitive. So if you start sobbing and crying during a normal conversation or while listening to your best-of-2021 Spotify list – it’s normal. It’s the Moon. You got this! Let it out, let it be. Inhale, exhale, go!
Mercury is really getting it on today. And even though they are only tenuous transits, they are secretly working in our subconscious. The semisquare to Saturn can bring out and reinforce subconscious fears. Fears of restrictions, limitations, regulations and all that these still bring with them. We all know it and just in December these are strengthened again deeply because of the last Saturn-Uranus square that is currently building itself up and which reaches the climax at the Feast of the Year – Christmas, on December 24th. Hallelujah. It is necessary to persevere, to strengthen one’s spirit, to go into meditation, to listen to affirmations and, with the Pisces Moon, to find peace and confidence, perhaps during a relaxing walk in nature. However, the mood loosens up by mid-afternoon when Mercury first conjoins Venus and later Pluto. We find beauty in the little things of everyday life. In the first snowflakes that fall, the smile of our loved ones, or a candle that burns so peacefully. In the evening, it can become really mystical with Pluto. Get cozy with your loved ones with a blanket, wool socks, tea and pudding and let your weekend start with some magic! Tell yourselves spooky stories, draw some tarot cards or already get into the pre-mood of the Rauhnächte by communicating with Spirits. It could be fabulous!
WEEKEND, December 11th & 12th First Half Moon in Pisces Venus Conjunct Pluto Mercury Sextile Jupiter Moon enters Aries Sun Square Neptune
I’m not exaggerating at all when I say this weekend has it all. The Moon forms her first half in Pisces and Venus and Pluto meet in Capricorn. This can lead to a bang of emotions around December 11th. Venus symbolizes our love, connections and relationships. All that is of great value and importance to us. And Pluto brings transformation by showing us the dark side of these exact relationships, thus shaking our foundation of security once again. In any kind of relationships it can now clash properly because due to the upcoming Saturn-Uranus square our nerves are already overstrained anyway. And then also this… BUT: Every constellation offers chances and possibilities as well and transformations do not only bring difficult challenges, but also renewal. And remember that we are still in the eclipses (even if they are now already very weak), and eclipses also bring moments of fate. This Venus-Pluto conjunction is a test of whether what or who we love can withstand these difficult situations, or whether it is now time to initiate renewal and thus change here as well. This is the first of three conjunctions that will occur three times due to Venus retrograde. The last of these will be on March 3rd, 2022. Here, above all, the meaning of value and self-worth in relation to shadow themes and fears may be worked on. If we use this conjunction positively, it can turn into a firework of passion and depth! It’s on you! You decide! This strong energy lasts over the whole weekend and maybe you already feel it before as well as after. Sunday will definitely be a bit lighter again, as the Moon leaves emotional Pisces to move into ambitious Aries. It’s time to get moving – no matter how we feel at the moment. Shift your body – shift your energies! That is the motto! The Sun in square also lets you reconnect more deeply with yourself and your being. It’s a good time to reflect on your current situation and become aware of where you really want to go. What you are here for and how you want to shape your future. It’s time to get back to the vision board, to inspiring conversations with your loved ones and maybe you already send your first big wishes after a long time of rest back into the magical spheres of the Universe…
VISION BOARD, MOVEMENT & LOVE BOOM – December 6th – December 12th
A new week begins…
And without exaggerating I must say: This week hits hard and if it keeps going like this, then you will probably hear that also in the next weeks. Because for the final weeks of this year, the universe wants to really make it clear to us and sends us a blatant constellation after the other.
While the beginning is about adjustments and preparation, by the weekend at the latest, we experience a big BOOM of extravagance. Venus and Pluto unite in Capricorn, initiating the first conjunction of three, which brings such changes and transformations to all our connections and relationships. It is necessary to reflect: What is still right, what is not? What are my values and do they still match with what and whom I love?
It’s going to be hot, it’s going to be wild, it’s going to be nerve-wracking, it’s going to be pretty much everything but boring! So get into the next week and let’s go!
MONDAY, December 6th
Mars Sextile Pluto
Moon in Capricorn
Happy Moon Day! The Moon in Capricorn makes us start the new week structured and goal-oriented. And that’s exactly what we need after our weekend of the powerful Eclipse in Sagittarius. Because this has most likely thrown some of us off track. The Moon is now starting a new journey and so may we. So get to the planner, your tasks of the week, to-do lists & Co.
Mars in sextile to Pluto helps us to detach from emotional vices in order to take care of the really important things. The sextile gives us a positive shift forward, and honestly, that’s exactly what we all need right now, right? So if you notice that it’s not yet that easy for you to get back into a daily routine, to follow your tasks in a focused and disciplined way, reflect on what is still emotionally preventing you from doing so. How do you feel right now? Why do you feel this way? Allow yourself to feel and perceive everything so that you can get to know yourself better and also work with yourself properly. December will once again be challenging for all of us. It is even more important to build a strong mindset and a healthy connection to your emotional inner world. So take some moments for yourself and your needs and then it’s time to tackle the wonderful tasks of the week, because every Monday is also like a small new beginning. What can your new week be like? How can it feel? What can happen? You decide!
TUESDAY, December 7th
Moon enters Aquarius
Mercury Square Neptune
Things are a lot lighter today, although you can’t help but feel the building pressure from the recent Saturn-Uranus square and the upcoming Venus-Pluto conjunction. You may also feel a certain restlessness within you and nerves are strained. This could continue for a while, however, this new week offers excellent opportunities to get back to yourself and bring some lightness back into our world of thoughts.
Today is not the best day for clear decisions and thought processes, important conversations or presentations, but for intuitive and spiritual actions.
Mercury in Sagittarius is square Neptune in Pisces and while Mercury thus seeks insight and expansion, Neptune simply wants BEING. Spiritual practices and grounding exercises can help you tremendously today to bring some stability to your mind after all. Because the fact is that this square often tempts you to drift into illusions or illusory worlds and you forget what is real and what is not. The Aquarius Moon helps you to keep a cool head. Maybe a conversation with your favorite person is exactly what you need now as a balance. Because usually everything is much easier and simpler in a couple and this also allows you to get new perspectives.
WEDNESDAY, December 8th
Mars Square Jupiter
Mars in Scorpio, which was in a modifying sextile to Pluto at the beginning of the week, now sets up a square to Jupiter in Aquarius. Mars is pushing forward with Jupiter. What has long been postponed may now be tackled. No excuses and no complaining. Even though this constellation is often perceived as challenging as a tension square, it also wants to give us a push in the right direction.
In what areas of your life do you need a little push right now? Where can you courageously step out of your comfort zone to pursue a meaningful activity?
Take the first step and get the ball rolling. Then the second step will be a lot easier. Also remember that we are in the first quarter of the Moon’s cycle, which is all about building our visions. Even though we are still in an Eclipse, the energy of the shadow is already decreasing. If you did not deal with your visions during the Solar Eclipse on December 4th, they may now slowly take up more space again. I would not advise yet to get back into manifesting, but already slowly again into the occupation of your visions to come. What may still take place this year and come into your life? Tomorrow’s change of the Moon into Pisces may support you in the creation of your visions.
THURSDAY, December 9th
Moon enters Pisces
The Moon moves into dreamy and loving Pisces, tempting us too to be hopeful and dreamy about our ideals and desires. Perfect for dealing with the goals of this year in the next few days and possibly also already slowly begin to dive into the feeling of the new year 2022. Collect already the first images for your vision board for 2022, ask yourself what the cornerstones for the coming year may be specifically for you and if you want to learn more about the coming year of Jupiter, feel free to sign up for my „The Year of Jupiter Class“ which will take place next Tuesday, December 14th at 7:00 pm via Zoom. I will explain the most important energies and themes of the upcoming Jupiter year and how we can work with them in the best possible way.
Also, get prepared emotionally for a very intense and eventful weekend as the Venus-Pluto conjunction approaches. We also have a Half Moon around us and in general December is rather electrically charged energetically this year. The next few days, due to the Pisces Moon, we again feel a lot intensified, take things more personally and are a lot more sensitive. So if you start sobbing and crying during a normal conversation or while listening to your best-of-2021 Spotify list – it’s normal. It’s the Moon. You got this! Let it out, let it be. Inhale, exhale, go!
FRIDAY, December 10th
Mercury Semisquare Saturn + Semisextile Venus & Pluto
Mercury is really getting it on today. And even though they are only tenuous transits, they are secretly working in our subconscious. The semisquare to Saturn can bring out and reinforce subconscious fears. Fears of restrictions, limitations, regulations and all that these still bring with them. We all know it and just in December these are strengthened again deeply because of the last Saturn-Uranus square that is currently building itself up and which reaches the climax at the Feast of the Year – Christmas, on December 24th. Hallelujah.
It is necessary to persevere, to strengthen one’s spirit, to go into meditation, to listen to affirmations and, with the Pisces Moon, to find peace and confidence, perhaps during a relaxing walk in nature.
However, the mood loosens up by mid-afternoon when Mercury first conjoins Venus and later Pluto. We find beauty in the little things of everyday life. In the first snowflakes that fall, the smile of our loved ones, or a candle that burns so peacefully.
In the evening, it can become really mystical with Pluto. Get cozy with your loved ones with a blanket, wool socks, tea and pudding and let your weekend start with some magic! Tell yourselves spooky stories, draw some tarot cards or already get into the pre-mood of the Rauhnächte by communicating with Spirits. It could be fabulous!
WEEKEND, December 11th & 12th
First Half Moon in Pisces
Venus Conjunct Pluto
Mercury Sextile Jupiter
Moon enters Aries
Sun Square Neptune
I’m not exaggerating at all when I say this weekend has it all.
The Moon forms her first half in Pisces and Venus and Pluto meet in Capricorn. This can lead to a bang of emotions around December 11th. Venus symbolizes our love, connections and relationships. All that is of great value and importance to us. And Pluto brings transformation by showing us the dark side of these exact relationships, thus shaking our foundation of security once again.
In any kind of relationships it can now clash properly because due to the upcoming Saturn-Uranus square our nerves are already overstrained anyway. And then also this… BUT: Every constellation offers chances and possibilities as well and transformations do not only bring difficult challenges, but also renewal. And remember that we are still in the eclipses (even if they are now already very weak), and eclipses also bring moments of fate. This Venus-Pluto conjunction is a test of whether what or who we love can withstand these difficult situations, or whether it is now time to initiate renewal and thus change here as well.
This is the first of three conjunctions that will occur three times due to Venus retrograde. The last of these will be on March 3rd, 2022. Here, above all, the meaning of value and self-worth in relation to shadow themes and fears may be worked on.
If we use this conjunction positively, it can turn into a firework of passion and depth! It’s on you! You decide!
This strong energy lasts over the whole weekend and maybe you already feel it before as well as after. Sunday will definitely be a bit lighter again, as the Moon leaves emotional Pisces to move into ambitious Aries. It’s time to get moving – no matter how we feel at the moment. Shift your body – shift your energies! That is the motto! The Sun in square also lets you reconnect more deeply with yourself and your being. It’s a good time to reflect on your current situation and become aware of where you really want to go. What you are here for and how you want to shape your future. It’s time to get back to the vision board, to inspiring conversations with your loved ones and maybe you already send your first big wishes after a long time of rest back into the magical spheres of the Universe…
Let there be magic again!
Love you.