Let’s start our first of 4 (!) Mercury Retrogrades of 2022! . I have to admit – I do respect phases of Mercury RX as yes – his retrograde state truly affects our mind, our way of thinking, of how we make decisions and it also has a great impact on all our digital and electronic devices. Trust me – I’ve experienced it all. Not to mention travels, saving data & co. . But what I do have to admit as well is that we can find such inner peace and new ways of thinking, making decisions and reconnecting with our intuition in phases of Mercury being retrograde as well. I love to even become more aware of how I think, communicate and therefore create my future. And within this, I start to trust my gut feelings, my inner voice, my intuition. I allow myself to be more soul-guided and not to overthink everything – as when we act only out of our mind – it won’t work with Mercury being retrograde. . This year, Mercury will always start his retrograde in an Air sign (except the last one at the end of Dec 2022), to wander back into an Earth sign. We are allowed to wander from our minds back into our center to ground our reflections and visions with a strong base of our essence in order to bring them to fulfillment, when Mercury is wandering forward again. . Find my top tips to make it through Mercury retrograde in this special guide. Let’s make this retrograde an inspiring, powerful one!
Here is my ultimate guide to make the most of Mercury Rx:
-Best time for reflecting on all your higher visions for this year. What do you really want to create, experience and achieve? Center your thoughts and build a strong fundament when Mercury Rx is wandering into Cap with January 26th.
-Don’t make any important decision or investments for your higher vision. You may not have all information you need to make the right one and you might regret it afterwards. If it feels like a “HECK YES” though – go for it. If you can make this decision out of your heart instead of your soul – trust and go for it. And las but not least, if you have decided in your heart already before Mercury RX that you want to do this, it’s okay as well, as the decision was made before, you are only acting now.
-Beware of the way you communicate, as misunderstandings are about to happen more often. Take great care about what you communicate how to whom and make sure, that the people around you perceive it in the way you meant it. But also make sure to not communicate everything to everyone right now. Better keep your visions and thoughts to yourself and go out into the world with them after Mercury is wandering direct again with February 4th.
-Take even more care of all your electronical and digital devices when Mercury is Retrograde in Aquarius from January 14th to 26th, as Mercury affects all of them. Beware that zoom may not work the way you want it, check every email twice – not that you send something to someone who really should NOT receive that and don’t put any coffee next to your precious laptop as that may not work out well… -Work with crystals like Amazonite, Clear Quartz, Labradorite & Tiger’s Eye to reshape your vision and ground yourself.
-Recreate your vision board and expand it to the levels you are truly desiring. Don’t hold yourself back, you are here to follow the ideals of yourself.
Love you!
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MERCURY RX GUIDE: January 14th – February 4th
Click here to read my Mercury Retrograde Guide.
Let’s start our first of 4 (!) Mercury Retrogrades of 2022!
I have to admit – I do respect phases of Mercury RX as yes – his retrograde state truly affects our mind, our way of thinking, of how we make decisions and it also has a great impact on all our digital and electronic devices. Trust me – I’ve experienced it all. Not to mention travels, saving data & co.
But what I do have to admit as well is that we can find such inner peace and new ways of thinking, making decisions and reconnecting with our intuition in phases of Mercury being retrograde as well. I love to even become more aware of how I think, communicate and therefore create my future. And within this, I start to trust my gut feelings, my inner voice, my intuition. I allow myself to be more soul-guided and not to overthink everything – as when we act only out of our mind – it won’t work with Mercury being retrograde.
This year, Mercury will always start his retrograde in an Air sign (except the last one at the end of Dec 2022), to wander back into an Earth sign. We are allowed to wander from our minds back into our center to ground our reflections and visions with a strong base of our essence in order to bring them to fulfillment, when Mercury is wandering forward again.
Find my top tips to make it through Mercury retrograde in this special guide. Let’s make this retrograde an inspiring, powerful one!
Here is my ultimate guide to make the most of Mercury Rx:
-Best time for reflecting on all your higher visions for this year. What do you really want to create, experience and achieve? Center your thoughts and build a strong fundament when Mercury Rx is wandering into Cap with January 26th.
-Don’t make any important decision or investments for your higher vision. You may not have all information you need to make the right one and you might regret it afterwards. If it feels like a “HECK YES” though – go for it. If you can make this decision out of your heart instead of your soul – trust and go for it. And las but not least, if you have decided in your heart already before Mercury RX that you want to do this, it’s okay as well, as the decision was made before, you are only acting now.
-Beware of the way you communicate, as misunderstandings are about to happen more often. Take great care about what you communicate how to whom and make sure, that the people around you perceive it in the way you meant it. But also make sure to not communicate everything to everyone right now. Better keep your visions and thoughts to yourself and go out into the world with them after Mercury is wandering direct again with February 4th.
-Take even more care of all your electronical and digital devices when Mercury is Retrograde in Aquarius from January 14th to 26th, as Mercury affects all of them. Beware that zoom may not work the way you want it, check every email twice – not that you send something to someone who really should NOT receive that and don’t put any coffee next to your precious laptop as that may not work out well…
-Work with crystals like Amazonite, Clear Quartz, Labradorite & Tiger’s Eye to reshape your vision and ground yourself.
-Recreate your vision board and expand it to the levels you are truly desiring. Don’t hold yourself back, you are here to follow the ideals of yourself.
Love you!