Welcome to the new year, Astro Stars! My wish is that with the New Moon in Capricorn you have arrived wonderfully in the New Year and have been able to manifest your most beautiful and boldest wishes with it. If you haven’t gotten around to it yet – then there is definitely still enough time at the beginning of the week, because the new and first week of 2022 starts in the New Moon Energy and thus completely under the sign of a new beginning. Otherwise it is very quiet in the universe this week, to be honest: almost as quiet as a mouse. Because there is only one outstanding constellation and this one only happens on the weekend. And maybe it has to be exactly like that. Maybe this new beginning offers us the possibility not to dive immediately into all the different tasks again and thus perhaps fall back into old patterns, but allows us to enjoy this time in peace and connection. It feels as if we have briefly gone underwater and the noise is muffled and becomes quieter and quieter until we only perceive our own breath. To perceive ourselves again and thus really be able to arrive at ourselves. Maybe you remember that last week I said: „The Capricorn season is here to bring us back to the center, to the core once again. It is here to ground us, to re-root us, so that with a strong foundation we can clearly articulate our visions and take the first step into the new year.“ This is exactly where we are now. It’s all about focusing on what’s important, and this week the Universe isn’t distracting us with intense constellations either. So this chart is also a bit shorter and reduced to the core. I see this as a beautiful sign also for the last days of the Rauhnächte to come again totally from the outside to the inside, to bring again strengthened magic into the next year. Next week the Universe is already moving forward again, so enjoy the simplicity of this week!
MONDAY, January 3rd Moon in Capricorn
We begin this week under the spell of Sunday’s Capricorn New Moon. Slowly, the first rays of the Sun reach the Moon again and finally, after times of dark Eclipses, we get to start a new manifestation journey. Feel free to sit down again today for your ritual. Grab your notebook, your calendar for the new year and your vision board and color in your greatest wishes for the new year. If you still want to do a ritual – then Lunar New Year’s Day is perfect for that. There is a sacred energy around us right now and if we are willing to perceive it, we can learn a lot from it. It’s a matter of stepping away from the typical and often hectic daily grind and deciding for yourself to break new ground now. If you are still in holiday mode, then perfect! And if you are already back in the hustle and bustle of work, try not to make too much of a hustle out of it. Everything is allowed to run in your time, in your new flow and way of working. If you can somehow connect with nature, plan a walk in the woods for example, that’s exactly the right thing to do to completely soak up and recharge today’s energy.
TUESDAY, January 4th Moon enters Aquarius
Already in the early morning hours, the Moon leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius. Thus it becomes again a little lighter and more curious in our soul. However, the basic energy of preparing for the new year remains. The Moon in Aquarius longs for spiritual exchange and community on the one hand and at the same time she needs the time for herself. For your own thoughts, interests and visions. Maybe you will feel these contrary and yet balancing energies more today and tomorrow and you may feed your mind with new inspiring ideas, images and thought processes. In any case, give yourself time for yourself again and again. Turn up the music and dance around your apartment or wrap yourself in a cozy blanket and chat with your loved ones via voice notes and Co. Do it your way!
WEDNESDAY, January 5th Venux RX Sextile Neptune
The Moon is still in Aquarius and now retrograde Venus in Capricorn is building a sextile to Neptune in Pisces. Retrograde Venus is making us rethink so many things right now, bringing us to a whole new awareness of values. With the sextile to Neptune it connects again with our great ideals, wishes, dreams and fears. All of them together can be felt again on these days in relation to what and whom we love. In principle, however, this constellation is positive and triggers above all our greatest desires, for which we intensely yearn. Sometimes, this can turn into a kind of melancholy with Venus retrograde, and it is up to us how we deal with it. Whether we accept it with gratitude, or weep after it with melancholy. Choose gratitude while recognizing why these desires and memories trigger specific emotions. This could help you to better understand your current situation and therefore come to some realizations by the weekend at the latest, when the Sun meets Venus. It is not uncommon for us to make some decisions about who and what we love during periods of retrograde Venus. To people, relationships, what we create and nurture and what is connected with our values. Perhaps this is what would also like to be recognized and realised on the weekend.
THURSDAY & FRIDAY, January 6th-7th Moon enters Pisces
The Moon enters Pisces in the morning hours, leaving us floating in a little bubble of our visions until the weekend.
Likewise, we celebrate the end of the Rauhnächte and the beginning of a new cycle! What are your insights of the Rauhnächte? What messages and insights into the new year have you received and how can you now work with all these insights? It’s a fact that we are now particularly sensitive and intuitive. The Moon will also meet Jupiter, which may again boost our sensitivity, as well as spirituality. It is a perfect time for further rituals and communication with the universe. So if you still need a message from above – ask the Spirits, Angels and Guides. At the moment they are more around us and we are especially more open to perceiving exactly their energy and perceiving the healing and helpful messages of the Universe. So live these days even more calmly and follow the flow. Then you do everything exactly how it’s supposed to be!
WEEKEND, January 8th & 9th Moon enters Aries creating first Half Moon Sun Conjunct Venus RX
Yay! Welcome to the fiery weekend! The Moon enters Aries and slowly we get back into the flow of things and get going. The Aries Moon gives us drive, creativity and an adventurous spirit. So get out of bed – out of the house – and into life! Movement is the topic of the day and not only physically. A shift may take place, which will wake us up from our Rauhnächte sleep and let us slowly but surely arrive in the new year. In a year in which we courageously follow our soul path to reach our own fullness. Can you already get into that very energy of abundance this weekend? This feeling, what you eagerly wish for this year? Remember that we are again in the first manifestation cycle and it is now time to also actively do something for our desires. Be it with actual implementations or energetically. And in general, I always advise you to take the energetic impulse with you, because it creates your entire reality. On Sunday the Moon in Aries builds up her first quarter and it is important to bring balance and equilibrium into our soul. What can you do now to also bring more stability back into your belief in yourself and your visions? Use this day to come back to yourself. Also the Sun in Capricorn meets retrograde Venus. Here she shines her light again on all our current values, which are in restructuring, and also our individual themes of retrograde Venus want to be illuminated again now. Because the Sun wants us to come to a realization and make a commitment for us. A commitment that will take us big steps forward. What decision could that be for you? Which commitment may you make now?
Wishing you a peaceful, relaxing first week of the new year! I’m glad you’re here! Here’s to a new year full of magic and wonder!
Make a wish!
xx, Lori
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A SMOOTH START: Jan 3rd – Jan 9th
Welcome to the new year, Astro Stars!
My wish is that with the New Moon in Capricorn you have arrived wonderfully in the New Year and have been able to manifest your most beautiful and boldest wishes with it. If you haven’t gotten around to it yet – then there is definitely still enough time at the beginning of the week, because the new and first week of 2022 starts in the New Moon Energy and thus completely under the sign of a new beginning.
Otherwise it is very quiet in the universe this week, to be honest: almost as quiet as a mouse. Because there is only one outstanding constellation and this one only happens on the weekend. And maybe it has to be exactly like that. Maybe this new beginning offers us the possibility not to dive immediately into all the different tasks again and thus perhaps fall back into old patterns, but allows us to enjoy this time in peace and connection. It feels as if we have briefly gone underwater and the noise is muffled and becomes quieter and quieter until we only perceive our own breath. To perceive ourselves again and thus really be able to arrive at ourselves.
Maybe you remember that last week I said: „The Capricorn season is here to bring us back to the center, to the core once again. It is here to ground us, to re-root us, so that with a strong foundation we can clearly articulate our visions and take the first step into the new year.“
This is exactly where we are now. It’s all about focusing on what’s important, and this week the Universe isn’t distracting us with intense constellations either.
So this chart is also a bit shorter and reduced to the core. I see this as a beautiful sign also for the last days of the Rauhnächte to come again totally from the outside to the inside, to bring again strengthened magic into the next year. Next week the Universe is already moving forward again, so enjoy the simplicity of this week!
MONDAY, January 3rd
Moon in Capricorn
We begin this week under the spell of Sunday’s Capricorn New Moon. Slowly, the first rays of the Sun reach the Moon again and finally, after times of dark Eclipses, we get to start a new manifestation journey. Feel free to sit down again today for your ritual. Grab your notebook, your calendar for the new year and your vision board and color in your greatest wishes for the new year. If you still want to do a ritual – then Lunar New Year’s Day is perfect for that.
There is a sacred energy around us right now and if we are willing to perceive it, we can learn a lot from it. It’s a matter of stepping away from the typical and often hectic daily grind and deciding for yourself to break new ground now. If you are still in holiday mode, then perfect! And if you are already back in the hustle and bustle of work, try not to make too much of a hustle out of it. Everything is allowed to run in your time, in your new flow and way of working.
If you can somehow connect with nature, plan a walk in the woods for example, that’s exactly the right thing to do to completely soak up and recharge today’s energy.
TUESDAY, January 4th
Moon enters Aquarius
Already in the early morning hours, the Moon leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius. Thus it becomes again a little lighter and more curious in our soul. However, the basic energy of preparing for the new year remains.
The Moon in Aquarius longs for spiritual exchange and community on the one hand and at the same time she needs the time for herself. For your own thoughts, interests and visions.
Maybe you will feel these contrary and yet balancing energies more today and tomorrow and you may feed your mind with new inspiring ideas, images and thought processes. In any case, give yourself time for yourself again and again. Turn up the music and dance around your apartment or wrap yourself in a cozy blanket and chat with your loved ones via voice notes and Co. Do it your way!
WEDNESDAY, January 5th
Venux RX Sextile Neptune
The Moon is still in Aquarius and now retrograde Venus in Capricorn is building a sextile to Neptune in Pisces. Retrograde Venus is making us rethink so many things right now, bringing us to a whole new awareness of values. With the sextile to Neptune it connects again with our great ideals, wishes, dreams and fears. All of them together can be felt again on these days in relation to what and whom we love. In principle, however, this constellation is positive and triggers above all our greatest desires, for which we intensely yearn. Sometimes, this can turn into a kind of melancholy with Venus retrograde, and it is up to us how we deal with it. Whether we accept it with gratitude, or weep after it with melancholy. Choose gratitude while recognizing why these desires and memories trigger specific emotions. This could help you to better understand your current situation and therefore come to some realizations by the weekend at the latest, when the Sun meets Venus. It is not uncommon for us to make some decisions about who and what we love during periods of retrograde Venus. To people, relationships, what we create and nurture and what is connected with our values. Perhaps this is what would also like to be recognized and realised on the weekend.
THURSDAY & FRIDAY, January 6th-7th
Moon enters Pisces
The Moon enters Pisces in the morning hours, leaving us floating in a little bubble of our visions until the weekend.
Likewise, we celebrate the end of the Rauhnächte and the beginning of a new cycle! What are your insights of the Rauhnächte? What messages and insights into the new year have you received and how can you now work with all these insights? It’s a fact that we are now particularly sensitive and intuitive. The Moon will also meet Jupiter, which may again boost our sensitivity, as well as spirituality. It is a perfect time for further rituals and communication with the universe. So if you still need a message from above – ask the Spirits, Angels and Guides. At the moment they are more around us and we are especially more open to perceiving exactly their energy and perceiving the healing and helpful messages of the Universe. So live these days even more calmly and follow the flow. Then you do everything exactly how it’s supposed to be!
WEEKEND, January 8th & 9th
Moon enters Aries creating first Half Moon
Sun Conjunct Venus RX
Yay! Welcome to the fiery weekend! The Moon enters Aries and slowly we get back into the flow of things and get going. The Aries Moon gives us drive, creativity and an adventurous spirit. So get out of bed – out of the house – and into life! Movement is the topic of the day and not only physically. A shift may take place, which will wake us up from our Rauhnächte sleep and let us slowly but surely arrive in the new year. In a year in which we courageously follow our soul path to reach our own fullness. Can you already get into that very energy of abundance this weekend? This feeling, what you eagerly wish for this year?
Remember that we are again in the first manifestation cycle and it is now time to also actively do something for our desires. Be it with actual implementations or energetically. And in general, I always advise you to take the energetic impulse with you, because it creates your entire reality.
On Sunday the Moon in Aries builds up her first quarter and it is important to bring balance and equilibrium into our soul. What can you do now to also bring more stability back into your belief in yourself and your visions? Use this day to come back to yourself. Also the Sun in Capricorn meets retrograde Venus. Here she shines her light again on all our current values, which are in restructuring, and also our individual themes of retrograde Venus want to be illuminated again now. Because the Sun wants us to come to a realization and make a commitment for us. A commitment that will take us big steps forward.
What decision could that be for you? Which commitment may you make now?
Wishing you a peaceful, relaxing first week of the new year!
I’m glad you’re here!
Here’s to a new year full of magic and wonder!
Make a wish!
xx, Lori