A new week begins and this time it involves one thing above all: planning, structure and order. After all, our wishes don’t come true by themselves, right? However, we also get a few hours of dreaming and relaxing and perhaps you too will notice that this week already feels completely different to the previous one. For the energies have changed and continue to change. And although we are still in high gear in Scorpio season with the Sun, Mars and Mercury being in Scorpio, it is important to shake yourself awake and stand up for yourself and your visions! So full speed ahead into a new week! It’s the last one before we move into eclipse season!
MONDAY & TUESDAY, November 8th – 9th Moon moves into Capricorn
Early this morning the Moon moves into Capricorn, giving us the perfect start to the week.
Why? Well, it’s time to wake up from our emotional deep sleep of the last week(s) and arrive back fully steadfast and grounded in the here and now. You have desires and goals and you are here to achieve them too. So get on your feet and be ready to take the first or next steps towards them. Even though we may still take it easy on Moonday, you can still create some structure and order. All in your own time, in sweatpants and with a big cup of tea or coffee. It is important to forge a supportive plan for the week and also take the first steps towards your new moon visions. The Moon is already beginning to grow, to fill up and thus your New Moon wishes may also mature more and more. What can you specifically do today and tomorrow to get closer to your goals?
“What you can do today, do not put off until tomorrow.”
You may now actively follow this motto to get the first stone rolling. Jump into the deep end and overcome reservations or old, limiting patterns. This will most likely be much easier for you on Tuesday and on Wednesday at the latest. Use the first few days to take responsibility for yourself, your projects and visions and to prepare everything so that you can experience the first successful results by the end of the week.
WEDNESDAY, November 10th Moon moves into Aquarius Mercury conjunct Mars Mercury square Saturn
The Moon leaves security-conscious and responsible Capricorn to move into freedom-loving and smart Aquarius today. Thus, the overall energy also becomes a bit more breezy, even though we are still in the middle of the deep and emotional Scorpio season. The Aquarius Moon makes us think and feel in new patterns and not only because of this, but especially because of the Mercury and Mars conjunction, we can take such a few steps forward today. When Mars and Mercury conjunct in the celestial field, our mind with all our thoughts is activated once more and we can reach new insights and progress. Meet with your community, your business partners and your best friend and share your visions. Communication is everything today as well as in the next few days and especially through conversations we can now once again recognise new perspectives and thus possibilities that we would not come to on our own. In addition, there is an enormous power in sharing your own wishes, because they become more realistic and you stand up for yourself and your wishes. They can also receive help and be fulfilled more quickly. However, be careful what you share and with whom, because your soul longs for support and not for “nay-sayers”!
THURSDAY, November 11th First crescent moon in Aquarius Mars square Saturn Mercury quincunx Chiron ℞
You may have already felt it yesterday: doubts, misgivings, fears. Even if they are only tiny and the motivation of your loved ones was predominant. But in the hours when you are left to your own devices, they resurface and put you in a dicey situation. After all, you know what you want! “But can I really achieve it? Will it work this time? Or am I actually not worth it and don’t deserve all this?” If these or similar thoughts arise, you know that with the crescent moon also the first doubts arise and also the tension of Mercury to retrograde Chiron is not necessarily supportive. However, by the weekend at the latest, these should also have disappeared. Allow yourself to notice them and sort them out. What is important now and what is not? What keeps you from believing in yourself and your projects and desires and what can you do to support yourself better? And how does it look inside you? Are you perhaps too cerebral, do you put too much pressure on yourself and should you now pay more attention to yourself and your soul? Come back to trust, journal and create clarity once again, so that you can continue dreaming in the next few days…
FRIDAY, November 12th Moon moves into Pisces Sun trine Neptune ℞
While the last few days have been a little headstrong and a lot of planning and implementation has been going on, today we can finally take a breather. The energy opens up today in the afternoon at the latest and the Pisces Moon invites you to dangle your feet and dream. On this Friday you can take it a little easier and best of all you create a free space for creative and intuitive processes. Rituals, long walks in nature, cooking together, chatting and a warm bubble bath at the end of the day. The Scorpio Sun is also in harmony with Neptune, the planets of Pisces, so this energy of the day is once again amplified. Use it for a small but significant time out and come back to yourself. Especially in meditations and rituals you can gain completely new insights today. Head off – music on, Palo Santo on, soul on. Close your eyes and just let your soul wander!
WEEKEND of November 13th & 14th Mars quincunx Chiron ℞ Mercury opposition Uranus ℞ Venus semisextile Saturn Moon moves into Aries
While Saturdays Mars can be a bit triggering with retrograde Chiron and Mercury in opposition to retrograde Uranus asks us to find and go new ways, by Sunday at the latest we are back in a relaxed energy, full of new adventures. Sunday can be celebrated under the sign of Venus and thus of love. Venus in harmony with Saturn, however, also asks us to take responsibility for everything we love and especially for whom we love. Perhaps on this solar day we may give our attention to our parents, relatives or older friends to learn from their knowledge and wisdom. Give and receive. Everything is in balance and supports each other. If you are alone, check in with people who are important to you, and also like to focus on what you love and where you would like to put more energy. The Moon moves into powerful Aries in the afternoon and you may feel a new surge of energy. You may end the week in motion. Be it with a walk, yoga, dance or sports. Move your body and move your thoughts and energies to get ready for a new week full of new tasks and adventures!
You got this, you rock this!
Stay magic, stay you!
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THE WEEK OF PLANNING: November 8th – 14th
A new week begins and this time it involves one thing above all: planning, structure and order. After all, our wishes don’t come true by themselves, right?
However, we also get a few hours of dreaming and relaxing and perhaps you too will notice that this week already feels completely different to the previous one.
For the energies have changed and continue to change.
And although we are still in high gear in Scorpio season with the Sun, Mars and Mercury being in Scorpio, it is important to shake yourself awake and stand up for yourself and your visions!
So full speed ahead into a new week! It’s the last one before we move into eclipse season!
MONDAY & TUESDAY, November 8th – 9th
Moon moves into Capricorn
Early this morning the Moon moves into Capricorn, giving us the perfect start to the week.
Why? Well, it’s time to wake up from our emotional deep sleep of the last week(s) and arrive back fully steadfast and grounded in the here and now. You have desires and goals and you are here to achieve them too. So get on your feet and be ready to take the first or next steps towards them.
Even though we may still take it easy on Moonday, you can still create some structure and order. All in your own time, in sweatpants and with a big cup of tea or coffee. It is important to forge a supportive plan for the week and also take the first steps towards your new moon visions.
The Moon is already beginning to grow, to fill up and thus your New Moon wishes may also mature more and more.
What can you specifically do today and tomorrow to get closer to your goals?
“What you can do today, do not put off until tomorrow.”
You may now actively follow this motto to get the first stone rolling. Jump into the deep end and overcome reservations or old, limiting patterns.
This will most likely be much easier for you on Tuesday and on Wednesday at the latest.
Use the first few days to take responsibility for yourself, your projects and visions and to prepare everything so that you can experience the first successful results by the end of the week.
WEDNESDAY, November 10th
Moon moves into Aquarius
Mercury conjunct Mars
Mercury square Saturn
The Moon leaves security-conscious and responsible Capricorn to move into freedom-loving and smart Aquarius today. Thus, the overall energy also becomes a bit more breezy, even though we are still in the middle of the deep and emotional Scorpio season. The Aquarius Moon makes us think and feel in new patterns and not only because of this, but especially because of the Mercury and Mars conjunction, we can take such a few steps forward today.
When Mars and Mercury conjunct in the celestial field, our mind with all our thoughts is activated once more and we can reach new insights and progress. Meet with your community, your business partners and your best friend and share your visions. Communication is everything today as well as in the next few days and especially through conversations we can now once again recognise new perspectives and thus possibilities that we would not come to on our own. In addition, there is an enormous power in sharing your own wishes, because they become more realistic and you stand up for yourself and your wishes. They can also receive help and be fulfilled more quickly.
However, be careful what you share and with whom, because your soul longs for support and not for “nay-sayers”!
THURSDAY, November 11th
First crescent moon in Aquarius
Mars square Saturn
Mercury quincunx Chiron ℞
You may have already felt it yesterday: doubts, misgivings, fears. Even if they are only tiny and the motivation of your loved ones was predominant. But in the hours when you are left to your own devices, they resurface and put you in a dicey situation. After all, you know what you want! “But can I really achieve it? Will it work this time? Or am I actually not worth it and don’t deserve all this?”
If these or similar thoughts arise, you know that with the crescent moon also the first doubts arise and also the tension of Mercury to retrograde Chiron is not necessarily supportive. However, by the weekend at the latest, these should also have disappeared. Allow yourself to notice them and sort them out. What is important now and what is not? What keeps you from believing in yourself and your projects and desires and what can you do to support yourself better?
And how does it look inside you? Are you perhaps too cerebral, do you put too much pressure on yourself and should you now pay more attention to yourself and your soul?
Come back to trust, journal and create clarity once again, so that you can continue dreaming in the next few days…
FRIDAY, November 12th
Moon moves into Pisces
Sun trine Neptune ℞
While the last few days have been a little headstrong and a lot of planning and implementation has been going on, today we can finally take a breather. The energy opens up today in the afternoon at the latest and the Pisces Moon invites you to dangle your feet and dream. On this Friday you can take it a little easier and best of all you create a free space for creative and intuitive processes. Rituals, long walks in nature, cooking together, chatting and a warm bubble bath at the end of the day.
The Scorpio Sun is also in harmony with Neptune, the planets of Pisces, so this energy of the day is once again amplified. Use it for a small but significant time out and come back to yourself. Especially in meditations and rituals you can gain completely new insights today. Head off – music on, Palo Santo on, soul on. Close your eyes and just let your soul wander!
WEEKEND of November 13th & 14th
Mars quincunx Chiron ℞
Mercury opposition Uranus ℞
Venus semisextile Saturn
Moon moves into Aries
While Saturdays Mars can be a bit triggering with retrograde Chiron and Mercury in opposition to retrograde Uranus asks us to find and go new ways, by Sunday at the latest we are back in a relaxed energy, full of new adventures. Sunday can be celebrated under the sign of Venus and thus of love. Venus in harmony with Saturn, however, also asks us to take responsibility for everything we love and especially for whom we love. Perhaps on this solar day we may give our attention to our parents, relatives or older friends to learn from their knowledge and wisdom. Give and receive. Everything is in balance and supports each other.
If you are alone, check in with people who are important to you, and also like to focus on what you love and where you would like to put more energy.
The Moon moves into powerful Aries in the afternoon and you may feel a new surge of energy. You may end the week in motion. Be it with a walk, yoga, dance or sports. Move your body and move your thoughts and energies to get ready for a new week full of new tasks and adventures!
You got this, you rock this!
Stay magic, stay you!